Following the success of Social Impact Bonds (SIBs), Development Impact Bonds (DIBs) emerged from the belief that risk-taking capital had the potential to improve innovation and efficacy in grant-dependent development programmes. They are one of the financing tools that sprung out of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the realisation that traditional public donors’ resources won’t suffice to meet them.
SIBs and DIBs are tripartite financing mechanisms. Social Investors take the risk of funding a development programme upfront knowing that repayment and interest will depend on the level of success of the Delivery Partner in generating pre-agreed social outcome targets. These “outcome payments” are made by Outcome Funders.
In SIBs, Outcome Funders are mainly public agencies of the country of implementation. In DIBs, they tend to be foreign public or private donors. The quality of the model rests on a robust evaluation of the outcomes by an independent third party.
The DIB framework and programme design are ready to be leveraged for Lebanon, as additional outcome and investor commitments are found.
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